We are all shocked by the brutal attack on the communities surrounding Gaza on October 7.
The emergency squad and military units in the community are ready to fight for our home.
But we need your help now!
Neve Tzuf is an isolated community, surrounded by Arab villages that organize hate demonstrations and constantly plan to harm our lives.
Neve Tzuf has suffered badly from this in the past. In November 2016, terrorists set fire to the community and over 20 houses were burned to the ground and many more were damaged. In July 2017, a terrorist murdered three family members inside their home.
We are powerful and ready to fight if necessary.
Help us keep our homes!
Donations to this project are tax deductible in Israel (section 46)
Neve Tzuf is an isolated community surrounded by Arab villages.
Our goal is to maintain the calm of daily routine for our residents and at the same time equip ourselves with military equipment that will allow us to protect them. To do this, we have set up a self-defense system consisting of military units and an emergency group using our local population of soldiers.
Our soldiers prepare for every possible scenario and therefore need equipment that will provide backup (electricity, water) and monitoring to provide full security.
The settlement's defense system
is comprised of military units and a
group of local volunteers on standby.
To meet our defense mission,
the unit needs equipment that
will allow precise combat at night
whilst using critical protective
measures for our fighters.
Ceramic combat bulletproof vest
The settlement's defense system
is comprised of military units and a
group of local volunteers on standby.
To meet our defense mission,
the unit needs equipment that
will allow precise combat at night
whilst using critical protective
measures for our fighters.
Thermal sight for assault weapon
The settlement's defense system
is comprised of military units and a
group of local volunteers on standby.
To meet our defense mission,
the unit needs equipment that
will allow precise combat at night
whilst using critical protective
measures for our fighters.
Night vision binoculars
הישוב נווה צוף מאופיין בנוף הררי ומיוער.
לוחמי כיתת הכוננות נדרשים לרכב קרב
זמין ומצויד שיגיע במהירות
לאזורי הלחימה ותקיפת האויב.
Ranger Equipped for Soldiers
בשל מיקומו המבודד והמאוים של
הישוב נוה צוף יש צפי להפסקות
ושיבוש באספקת המים בעת חירום.
עוקב מים נגרר נותן מענה מידי
ומספק מים לתושבים וללוחמים
ויכול להגיע לכל מקום נדרש באזור.
Trailed Water Storage
המשימה החשובה ביותר של ההתיישבות
היא להמשיך את שיגרת החיים של
התושבים זקנים נשים וטף.
גנרטור גדול יכול לספק חשמל ולאפשר
המשכיות של חיים במקום מאוים ומבודד.
Large Electricity Generator
הישוב נוה צוף הוא ישוב מבודד אשר
מתמודד עם הפסקות חשמל משמעותיות.
בימים אלה הישוב זקוק לאמצעים
שיתנו גיבוי והמשכיות למרכיבי הביטחון
הכוללים חדרי פיקוד ושליטה,
מצלמות ומערכות התראה שונות.
5000W Generator
הישוב נווה צוף הוא ישוב מבודד אשר
מתמודד עם הפסקות חשמל משמעותיות.
בימים אלה הישוב זקוק לאמצעים
שיתנו גיבוי והמשכיות למרכיבי הביטחון
הכוללים חדרי פיקוד ושליטה,
מצלמות ומערכות התראה שונות.
During the second intifada, our Yishuv suffered many shooting attacks, three people in our community were murdered on their way home to Neve Tzuf, many others were seriously injured.
In November 2016, on Friday evening, 3 terrorists set fire to Neve Tzuf, which is surrounded by forest, burning more than 20 houses and due to the danger, all residents of the village were evacuated from their homes during Shabbat.
On July 2017, on Friday night, a terrorist from a nearby village entered the community and stabbed three members of one family to death. The terrorist was shot and killed by a neighbor who heard their screams.
Although isolated and located among Arab villages, Neve Tzuf continues to flourish to build and attract new families. The community's strategic location requires us to hold on and fight in order to allow the community's residents to continue their daily lives in safety.